Indoor Craft Ideas
When it’s cold outside it is great time to engage kids in some indoor crafts to keep them entertained and for you to get involved and have some creative fun.
• Making paper Chains
• Making snow globes from old glass jars
• Making paper snowflakes
• Finger painting
• Make your own play dough or salt dough
• Building an indoor den or fort out of cushions and blankets
• Planning your own cinema afternoon including making tickets, popcorn
• Making slime
• Making a themed collage using old magazines
• Making paper airplanes and having races
• Making puppets out of old socks
• Making cookies and decorating them
• Colouring is always a big hit

• Making pom poms from spare wool and then adding eyes they could be turned into animals
• If you can make a room dark and have a torch you can put on a hand shadow play with either just your hands or making the puppets with the children
• Making animals out of pipe cleaners
• Making a film or putting on a play
• Story telling or event your own story by each taking a turn to say a sentence and the sillier the better
• Holding a dance party
• If there is an old cardboard box that can be painted or cut and made into anything
• Making paper mache bowls by using half a blown up balloon
• Making paper spinners using just some pens or pencils for colour and card and string
• Drawing animal masks, colouring them in, cutting them out and pretending to be that animal
Make sure that the children are supervised at all times especially if they are using glue or scissors.
Always check with your host family if you are not sure if you are allowed to do a certain craft.
With all activities that involve using items like clothing it is best to ask the host family first to make sure they approve of what will be used.
Make sure that the choosen craft is age appropriate.
Be considerate towards any neighbours or if you are in an apartment as they might not be happy if there is too much noise or jumping up and down.
Allow plenty of time to tidy up afterwards, as even though the host family will be happy that their children have been kept entertained they will not be very impressed if their house is a mess.