Mobile phones when working
Please put down your phone and concentrate on what you are doing during working hours.
1st reason
Your host child might do something unexpected and break a bone.

Believe it or not, but young children are most likely to get hurt at home. According to statistics, 10% of children under 6 are injured when falling down from something like steps or other, elevated objects like chairs.
0-6 months
Falling down from something, especially when changing diapers
7 months to 4 years
swallowing objects
poisoning, heat and chemical burns
falling down stairs
electric shocks
5 years and older
traffic accidents
accidents during sports
burns from cooking
2nd reason
Your host child will feel that it is not as important as your mobile phone and resent you.

It isn't always easy making friends with your host family's children. Children quickly notice how much time and effort you are putting into the relationship with them.
How would you feel if your host mom is constantly staring at her phone or laptop while you are trying to talk to her about scheduling a German course or getting your visa prolonged? We seek the undivided attention of others when we have important issues to discuss or share. Children expect the same respectful behavior. If they notice you being distracted they will seek attention from you, typically by doing something stupid, or they will run off to seek attention from another grown up. Either way, you're not going to look good.
Even though you might not always feel like you are actually doing a real-world job, being an au pair in a job! You are being paid for the hours you are putting into tending to the children and you should behave professionally. Being a great au pair is not only a sign of respect, it is a sign that you will always put your maximum effort into any task at hand. This personality trait is incredibly important in life, no matter where you are working.
How would you feel if your host mom is constantly staring at her phone or laptop while you are trying to talk to her about scheduling a German course or getting your visa prolonged? We seek the undivided attention of others when we have important issues to discuss or share. Children expect the same respectful behavior. If they notice you being distracted they will seek attention from you, typically by doing something stupid, or they will run off to seek attention from another grown up. Either way, you're not going to look good.
Even though you might not always feel like you are actually doing a real-world job, being an au pair in a job! You are being paid for the hours you are putting into tending to the children and you should behave professionally. Being a great au pair is not only a sign of respect, it is a sign that you will always put your maximum effort into any task at hand. This personality trait is incredibly important in life, no matter where you are working.
3rd reason
Studies have shown that people who spend a lot of time on their phone are more likely to be fat.

The American College of Cardiology just recently found that 5 or more hours of mobile phone usage a day leads to a 43% higher risk of becoming obese. Why? You're not moving when you are staring at your mobile phone. Want to read more about it? Read all about the facts here:

4th reason
Spending time with human beings and actually enjoying the moment reduces stress.
A lot of studies show that constant interaction with your mobile phone increases the level of cortisol in your blood. Cortisol is the stress hormone which makes you age more quickly and is detrimental for your health in general.
What increases stress is your host parents reminding you time and time again that you shouldn't have your mobile around during work time.
What increases stress is your host parents reminding you time and time again that you shouldn't have your mobile around during work time.
5th reason
You could be having real world fun ? actually interacting with human being.

Do you know how much you use your phone?
Nearly all mobile phones have means of tracking your phone usage integrated.
There are screen time monitors integrated into all operating systems (Android, Apple) these days. Use this app to track your phone usage and realize just how much time you are spending in the digital world.
So… Are you up for a challenge? Leave your phone in your room during work hours for 5 consecutive days!
Looking for something fun to do with kids instead?
There are screen time monitors integrated into all operating systems (Android, Apple) these days. Use this app to track your phone usage and realize just how much time you are spending in the digital world.
So… Are you up for a challenge? Leave your phone in your room during work hours for 5 consecutive days!
Looking for something fun to do with kids instead?

87 Ideas for Au Pairs with Indoor Games & Activities For Kids
This is a great list of ideas of what to do with children on rainy and cold days.